
About us


A construction company with a long tradition

From the beginning of its establishment, the company’s core business has been the export of construction works and technical services. This scope has been extended in favour of the development of construction services at home. We have been operating on the general contracting market since 2000.

The core asset of the company is a specialised staff, having experience in working on domestic and foreign construction sites, thanks to which we ensure reliable and timely execution of orders with a guarantee of proper execution of the investment. In order for our company to be permanently recognisable in the European Union countries, we constantly improve our qualifications and expand our range of services by enriching it with new technologies.

OPEX SA belongs to the Adamietz group of companies, which specialises in the construction of steel structure industrial halls. Within the group, we have a steel structure factory and we provide services of renting construction equipment. In 2014, Adamietz launched the Arpanel composite panel production plant.

Opex also knows what Corporate Social Responsibility means. Employing over 400 employees, Opex is aware of the importance of a qualified team of specialists. The company supports the construction industry by showing how much opportunity it offers and thus contributes to its development through lectures, excursions and exhibitions for students to encourage them to work in this area.

1 lipca 1979 r.

– rozpoczęcie działalności jako Biuro Eksportu Wojewódzkiego Zjednoczenia Gospodarki Komunalnej w Opolu

-powołanie Biura Eksportu Wojewódzkiego Zjednoczenia Gospodarki Komunalnej w Opolu

7 grudnia 1982 r.
1983 r.

-przekształcenie Biura Eksportu Wojewódzkiego Zjednoczenia Gospodarki Komunalnej w Opolu w spółkę z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

– przekształcenie przedsiębiorstwa w spółkę akcyjną

1 lipca 1991 r.
2011 r.

– przyjęcie nowej nazwy Opex S.A

1 July 1979 r.

Commencement of business operation as the Office of Export of the Provincial Union of Municipal Economy in Opole

7 December 1982 r.

Establishment of the Office of Export of the Provincial Union of Municipal Economy in Opole

1983 r.

Transformation of the Office of Export of the Provincial Union of Municipal Economy in Opole into a limited liability company

1 July 1991 r.

– Transformation of the limited liability company into a joint stock company

2011 r.

Adoption of a new name OPEX SA

2013 r.

Entering the Wrocław market

2017 r.

Intensification of construction development in Poland

We are part of the Adamietz Group


Prizes and Awards



Nagrody i wyróżnienia

